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Software Development


05-September-2024 — Wavecom Spectrum Monitoring System Release V8.0.0

We made a new release V8.0.0 for our Spectrum Monitoring System W-SPECTRA.
Main features in this release are:

  • New mode LINK-11 SLEW (Serial-tone Link Eleven Waveform).
  • Revise HFDL (HF-ACARS), display frames with CRC error.
  • Display HFDL airline code and aircraft registration.
  • Make Confidence, Carrier Freq in VDL-M2. Display aircraft registration and airport name.
  • Revise ACARS, display flight information (FID and aircraft registration).

15-February-2024 — Wavecom Decoder Release V12.0.0

We made a new release V12.0.0 for our decoder W-CODE, W74PC, W-PCI and W-PCIe.
Main features in this release are:

  • General review of our classifier (W-Classifier-NB and W-Classifier-WB).
  • Classifier detects AM, FM and SSB (USB / LSB) signal and demodulates it further to voice and outputs to the speaker for live monitoring.
  • Review on STANAG-4285 and MIL-188-110 Series decoders.


08-May-2023 — New Release W-SPECTRA V7.0.0

We made a new version V7.0.0 for our Spectrum Monitoring System W-SPECTRA.
Main features in this release are:

  • TETRAPOL: each frame is displayed with a time-stamp at the time of decoding.
    With this feature we can verify that all 50 frames are decoded each second. This feature is also available in the DMR decoder.
  • Decryption capability in NXDN with Scrambling, DES (64-bit key) and AES-256.
  • Decryption capability in DMR with Basic, ARC-4 (40-bit key) and AES-256, licensed by Motorola Inc.
  • Improving DMR decoding and extend its protocol implementation.
  • Revise Wavecom Classifier.
  • Extend wideband classifier (W-CL-WB): classify DMR, dPMR and NXDN signal as 4-Level FSK.
    These signals can also be detected in Classifier Codecheck (CCC).
  • Review TETRAPOL. Improve voice decoding.
  • Add two new entries in "Tools" menu: "Edit DMR Cipher Key" and "Edit NXDN Cipher Key" to edit the cipher keys of DMR and NXDN decoders.
  • These features are inline with Wavecom Decoder V11.1.0.

22-February-2023 — Wavecom Decoder Release V11.1.0

We made a new release V11.1.0 for our decoder W-CODE, W74PC, W-PCI and W-PCIe. Main features in this release are:

  • Complete DMR decryption capability with Basic, ARC-4 and AES-256.
  • Extend DMR data protocol decoding.
  • Revise TETRA demodulator, using soft decision demodulation.
  • Add TETRA phase plane display.
  • Extend Classifier Codecheck (CCC) Table Editor to capture 4-Level FSK signal. Download V2.0.0.
  • Extend wideband classifier (W-CL-WB): classify DMR, dPMR and NXDN signal as 4-Level FSK.
    These signals can also be detected in Classifier Codecheck (CCC).
  • Improve TETRAPOL demodulation, decoding and voice decoding.
  • TETRA and TETRAPOL signals can be detected by the wideband classifier (W-CL-WB) and Classifier Codecheck (CCC).


25-August-2022 — Complete Decryption Function in DMR Decoder

We have completed our DMR decoder decryption function, supporting all three encryption methods used by Motorola Solutions®:

  • Basic mode: with 255 fix scrambling vectors,
  • Enhanced mode: ARC-4 with 255 user defined keys, each 40-bit and
  • Advanced mode: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256) using 255 user defined keys, each 256-bit.
Please refer to the Advanced Protocol DMR.
Our decryption supports a "late-entry" function: user can change the scrambler or key during decryption. This will take immediate effect during the session. This feature is demonstrated in an example — the AES-256 key is changed to a wrong value and back during the session.

10-May-2022 — Decryption Capability in Wavecom Decoders V11.0.0

From the release V11.0.0 onwards Wavecom decoders can decrypt secured communication (at both scrambled and advanced level) in some crucial modes (DMR and NXDN). This function is implemented with the license of Motorola Solutions®.
With this capability encrypted message will be output in clear text and secured voice will be live audible on the speaker — an essential function in real-time signal monitoring.

Other improvements in this release are:

  • Phase plane display in APCO-25.
  • Symbol plane display implemented in NXDN and dPMR.
  • Real timestamp display in DMR and TETRAPOL can be switched on and off.
  • Revision Wavecom classifier.
  • Significant improvement in DMR decoding and protocol extension.

2021 — 2020

26-August-2021 — Wavecom Spectrum Monitoring W-SPECTRA Release V6.0.0

We made a new release V6.0.0 for our spectrum monitoring product W-SPECTRA.

  • Significant improvement in spectrum analysis and classification.
  • Add the new mode FT8.
  • Improvements in DMR, dPMR, NXDN and TETRAPOL modes.
  • Inline with the decoder release V10.2.0.

01-March-2021 — Wavecom Decoder Release V10.2.0

We made a new release V10.2.0 for our decoder W-CODE, W74PC, W-PCI and W-PCIe. Main features in this release are:

  • DMR with "Symbol Plane" display.
  • TETRAPOL: each frame is displayed with a time-stamp at the time of decoding. With this method we can verify that 50 frames are decoded per second. The similar feature is implemented in DMR decoder as well.
  • Significant improvement of FT8 mode.
  • General improvements.

07-January-2021 — W-Sat-email-Decoder Linux Version

We have made a Linux version for our W-Sat-email-Decoder. This Linux application is running on Ubuntu 18.04 and other usual Linux systems. It has the same functionalities and GUI appearance as the Windows version.

All "work-arounds" e.g., via a VM environment are not necessary anymore — W-Sat-email-Decoder Linux runs on a Linux system, true and real.

Please refer to the brocures W-Sat-email-Decoder.

17-June-2020 — Two Simultaneous Decoding Lines Running on W74PC

We extend the most useful hardware decoding feature — two lines simultaneous decoding — to W74PC card. As already in the W-PCI and W-PCIe decoders, the user can connect two different signals to two instances and do decoding and analysis at the same time.

Since there are four independent channels on a W74PC card, they are grouped as channel #1 and #2 vs. channel #3 and #4.

Please refer to the brocures W74PC. This feature is also available in the complete systems W74LAN.

All users holding a W74PC card can acquire a second license key to use this feature. Please use the Software Update form and indicate your card serial number SN#.

28-April-2020 — Wavecom Decoder Release V10.1.0

We made a new release V10.1.0 for our decoder W-CODE, W74PC, W-PCI and W-PCIe. Main features in this release are:

  • New mode FT8.
  • Review and update HF-ACARS (HFDL). With the outstanding quality we can decode the longest transmission — over half the globe. In Europe we can decode HFDL signals from the Oceania.
  • Significant improvement of TETRAPOL and DMR decoders.
  • Display time stamp in 1 ms resolution.
  • General improvements.

2019 — 2018

10-September-2019 — Wideband Recorder W-REC Extended to 25 MHz Bandwidth

In the new release W-RECORDER V3.0.0 we extend the recording bandwidth to 25 MHz. With this extension almost the whole HF band can be covered in one recording.

Please refer to the brocure W-REC. Authorized user (with a W-PCIe card) can ask for the new release or upgrade.

25-June-2019 — W-SPECTRA Release 4.0.0 Runs with the Spectrum Analysis Module (W-SA)

We incorporate the W-Spectrum Analysis (W-SA) module into the W-SPECTRA application. With this tool we improve its signal analysis ability significantly:

  • In the narrowband (96 kHz) spectrum display, signals are detected and marked with different color labels.
  • The detection results with all details (signal center, bandwidth, strength and those of the sub-signals) are displayed in the text output window and the "Remarks" field for capture into a database.
  • W-SA works also as a "Frequency Search" strategy. Similar to the classification strategy, it searches automatically through the whole frequency band, detects, displays and inserts all signals with their important parameters into a database.
  • All decoders (modes) in this version 4.0.0 match to the W-CODE 10.
  • The display bandwidth of W-SPEED V4.0.0 is extended to 30 MHz.

06-March-2019 — Quantum-Leap Release W-CODE Version 10 with New Spectrum Analysis Tool (W-SA)

W-CODE 10 can be regarded as a "quantum-leap" release. This version includes mainly a new spectrum analysis and signal detection tool — W-Spectrum Analysis (SA).

Main features of this analysis tool are:

  • Detect and measure all signals in a selected bandwidth (4k, 24k, 48k and 96kHz).
  • Measuring parameters are signal center (Hz), bandwidth (Hz), level (dB) and detection confidence (in percent).
  • Each signal can be detected in detail containing a number of sub-signals with their parameters.
  • Available in FFT and FFT/Sonagram displays for all radio bands (HF, VUHF and SAT).
  • Detected signals and their sub-signals are marked with their parameters in the display.
  • All results are delivered on the XML remote control interface (XML RCI) for third-party development.
  • Detected signals can be saved with their time-stamp as an XML file for database compatible display and analysis.
  • This is a licensed option and is available for all our HW decoders and W-SPECTRA as well.

Other features in this release are:

  • Substantial improvement of TETRAPOL, using the optimal soft ML decoding for data and voice frames. Enhance the voice quality to get more clear output on the speaker.
  • Significant improvement of the equalizer in CODAN-9001 (Codan compatibility mode). Improvement of QAM decoding in MIL-188-110B and CODAN-3212.
  • Other bug fixes and improvements.

15-March-2018 — TETRAPOL Live Voice Monitoring Released in W-CODE and W-SPECTRA

We release the TETRAPOL voice decoding in our decoder series W-CODE, W74PC and W-PCI/e V9.3.0 and the spectrum monitoring product W-SPECTRA V3.0.0.
TETRAPOL voice will be decoded to audible voice to the speaker for live monitoring purpose. This requires a Live Voice (W-LV) license option. Each voice session will be saved at the same time to a wav file and the original voice frames in bits are saved to a txt file. This feature is helpful for offline decryption analysis when the voice frames are encrypted.

Other features in this release are:

  • New decoder: CODAN-CHIRP.
  • CODAN-9001 extended with CODAN-3212 compatibility mode.
  • Phase plane available for CODAN-9001.
  • CODAN-CHIRP can be classified and recognized by the Classifier-Codecheck.
  • Extension in DMR: Idle data is displayed.
  • TETRAPOL overall decoding significantly improved, using the optimal soft decoding.

01-February-2018 — New Complete Decoding and Spectrum Monitoring System Series

We upgrade our complete decoding system series and launch two new complete systems.

  • W-PCIe-LAN MK2 and W-PCI-LAN MK2 are complete decoding systems at IF and AF level with two simultaneous decoding lines.
    They replace the "MK1" series.
  • W74LAN is a complete decoding system with quad-channel input at IF and AF level.
  • W-SPECTRA-LAN is a complete automatic spectrum monitoring system with direct receiver control, signal classification, decoding and database capturing.

All systems are implemented in a powerful ruggedized mobile computer with fanless cooling. The host computer has an Intel Core i7-6700TE, 6-th generation desktop CPU. With a dedicated built-in 1 TB solid state disk (SSD) the system is well suitable for various demanding tasks in COMINT/SIGINT: data decoding, spectrum monitoring and wideband signal recording etc.

08-January-2018 — Two Decoding Lines on One Device for W-PCI and W-PCIe, Release V9.2.0

Wavecom hardware devices W-PCI and W-PCIe support the genuine simultaneous dual channel decoding feature (in release V9.2.0). The user can connect two different signals to the two channels and do decoding and analysis at the same time.

Please refer to the brocures W-PCI and W-PCIe. This feature is also available in the complete systems W-PCI-LAN and W-PCIe-LAN.

All users holding a W-PCI or W-PCIe card can acquire a second license key to use this feature. The upgrade to the newest version 9.2.0 is included. Please use the Software Update form and indicate your card serial number SN#.

2017 — 2016

21-November-2017 — Wideband Recorder W-REC New Release V2.1.0

The new release of our wideband recorder W-REC V2.1.0 has significant improvement in the user interface and performance. User can make signal recording in a more intuitive and efficient way.

Please refer to the brocure W-REC. The software is available for download.

14-September-2017 — New Decoder Release V9.1.0 with CODAN-3212 and TETRAPOL

We make a new release of our decoders and applications: Release V9.1.0.

Major features and improvements are:

  • All Wavecom decoders and applications are tested and verified on Windows 10.
  • New HF decoder CODAN-3212.
  • Significant improvement of the TETRAPOL protocol interpreter.
  • Significant improvement of the TETRAPOL demodulator, using the optimal soft-decision to combat power fading in the VHF/UHF communication channel. The demodulation result is visualized in the phase plane.
  • TETRAPOL can be detected by the Classifier Codecheck.
  • We introduce an 8-cursor tuning tool in the FFT spectrum and sonagram. This tool is convenient to measure multi-tone/multi-carrier signals.

4-January-2017 — W-SPECTRA V2.0.0 with Wavecom Receiver

We make a new release of our Automatic Spectrum Monitoring System W-SPECTRA V2.0.0.

The new W-SPECTRA runs with the native Wavecom receiver W-PCIe as a complete system. It does not require a third-party receiving device anymore. This version contains significant performance improvement and a more intuitive user interface.

For details please refer to the brochure W-SPECTRA and the Application Note.
Helpful information in the Product Summary is:

  • W-SPECTRA-WB-SYS: Complete monitoring system, including the Wavecom W-PCIe receiver and the wideband classifier.
  • W-SPECTRA-WB: Complete monitoring system with wideband classifier. Software only. Receiving device not included.

11-October-2016 — New Decoder Release V9.0.0 with PACTOR-4 and TETRAPOL

We launched a new release of our decoders V9.0.0 with PACTOR-4 and TETRAPOL modes.

PACTOR-4 is an adaptive transmission mode that provides higher throuput and better communication reliability compared to Pactor-I, -II and -III modes. Pactor-4 mode completes the Pactor series in all Wavecom decoders: W-CODE, W-PCI, W-PCIe and W74PC.

TETRAPOL is a digital voice and data communication system for mobile services and used for public safety and civilian PMR (Public Mobile Radio). It is running in VHF/UHF band.

Other significant improvements and new features are:

  • The 70 MHz IF inputs of the hardware decoders W-PCI, W-PCIe and W74PC are available for all modes (HF, V/UHF and SAT).
    This feature makes our decoders compatible to tuners with a standard wideband 70 MHz IF output.
  • The voice session of DMR, dPMR, NXDN, APCO-25 and TETRA is saved in a separate HEX (bits before the vocoder) file. With this feature the user can further analyze the encrypted vocoder bits.
  • Implement power efficiency mode for the hardware decoders W-PCI, W-PCIe and W74PC.
  • Improvement in HFDL (HF-ACARS) and MIL188-110A modes.
  • General improvements and bug fixes.

12-September-2016 — New Release W-RECORDER V2.0.0

Besides recording the whole HF band from an antenna directly, the new release W-REC V2.0.0 records satellite signals at the three 70 MHz IF inputs.
During recording the application directs the signal to the speaker for acoustic monitoring purpose. This feature helps the user to have a quick check whether the signal wiring is correct.

W-RECORDER is an ideal option for the existing W-PCIe decoder card. It records signals at their primary level (from antennae, receivers or down converters etc.) for analysis and decoding with various Wavecom applications or third-party products.

Please refer to the product brochure W-REC and the user manual.

16-February-2016 — New Decoder Release V8.8.0 with MIL/STANAG Revision

We made a new release for our decoder products W74PC, W-PCI, W-PCIe and W-CODE version 8.8.0 with general revision on MIL/STANAG modes.
Significant improvements and new features are:

  • Revision MIL-188-141B mode.
  • General revision of most MIL/STANAG modes with performance improvement.
  • Soft decision in MFSK-8 and MFSK-16 modes. Display the decoding quality parameter "Confidence".
  • Phase plane extension: display the trace between two neighbour symbols.
  • Enhanced ACARS protocol interpreter.
  • New XML message indicating the release version number (e.g., 8.8.0).
  • New XML message "License error: ..." when calling VHF/UHF Classifier Codecheck (CCC) without license.
  • License delivered on a new hardware carrier Wibu SD card (CmCard/SD). USB dongle (CmStick/C) still available.

2015 — 2014

22-September-2015 — New Product Wideband Signal Recorder W-REC

We launch a new product: Wideband Signal Recorder W-REC

Main features of this recorder are:

  • W-REC runs on the Wavecom decoder hardware W-PCIe.
  • W-REC records signals on the two wideband AF/IF inputs (0 -- 25 MHz) directly.
  • Selectable recording bandwidths, from 4 MHz to 22 MHz.
  • IQ signal recording with 16-bit each part.
  • Recording in WAV and PxGF format with on-the-fly side information for complete spectrum analysis and decoding.
  • Compatible with Wavecom decoders and monitoring system W-SPECTRA and other third-party products.
  • Extend Wavecom product suit with long-time signal recording and analysis capability.

Please refer to the product brochure W-REC.

20-August-2015 — New Release Monitoring System W-SPECTRA V1.1.0

New release of W-SPECTRA and W-SPEED V1.1.0.

Significant improvements and new features are:

  • A separate display window in W-SPECTRA for text and graphic result.
  • Extended spectrum display for fine tuning, measuring the center and shift of a signal.
  • Zoom-in sonagram display and spot display with receiver frequency and timestamps.
  • Performance improvement when recording wideband signals.
  • W-SPEED (Spectrum Editing Tool) displays a recording in different bandwidths up to 24 MHz.
  • Tool to convert a WAV recording into PxGF format.

04-May-2015 — New Decoder Release V8.7.0 with New Digital Input VITA-49

We made a new release for our decoder products W74PC, W-PCI, W-PCIe and W-CODE version 8.7.0.
Significant improvements and new features are:

  • Release 8.7.0 supports TCP/IP custom input with ANSI/VITA-49 protocol.
  • New SAT decoders: SAT-Aero-P and SAT-Aero-C in L-band, SAT-Aero-R and SAT-Aero-T in C-band.
  • DMR supports two new SYNC types (Direct Mode Slot 1 and 2) according to ETSI TS 102 specification.
  • DMR Protocol Tier I, II and III according to ETSI TS 102 specification series.
  • FFT data can be sent in binary over the XML interface. This reduces the network load.
  • New XML parameters.

01-January-2015 — 30 Years Wavecom, Launch of Two New Products W-SPECTRA and W-SPEED

Celebrating 30 years company establishment, we launch 2 new products: W-SPECTRA and W-SPEED.
W-SPECTRA is a complete automatic online radio spectrum monitoring system over HF/VHF/UHF/SHF. It contains the following major functionalities:

  • Direct receiver control
  • Automatic real-time signal classification and decoding
  • Wideband (2 MHz) and narrowband (96 kHz) signal recording in baseband (IQ) and playback
  • Automatic capturing of classification result into a user configurable database.

W-SPEED is a spectrum editing tool. It displays an IQ signal recording in a 2 MHz wide sonagram. User can cut out any interesting signal in time and frequency domains from the sonagram for classification and decoding.
For details please read the brochure W-SPECTRA and the Product Summary. For our current product series please read our publication 30 Years Achievement.

12-December-2014 — Wavecom Hardware Decoders Include W-CODE

From version 8.6.0 onwards Wavecom hardware decoders (W-PCI, W-PCIe and W74PC) and complete decoder systems (W-PCI-LAN and W-PCIe-LAN) include W-CODE.
With this extension user can also decode signals from sound devices (soundcard, Virtual Audio Cable VAC and Software Defined Radio SDR, etc.) in the same way as in W-CODE.

10-November-2014 — New Decoder Releases

We make a new release of our decoder products W74PC, W-PCI, W-PCIe and W-CODE version 8.6.0.
The new version includes following features

  • New HF decoder CLOVER-2500.
  • New SAT decoders SAT-mM-HSD (mini-M High Speed Data) and SAT-mM-C-HSD (mini-M C band High Speed Data).
  • Significant improvements in PACTOR-I, -II, -III and CLOVER-2000.
  • XML interface extension, new parameters.

01-September-2014 — Wavecom LAN Decoders Run SSD

We upgraded our LAN decoder systems W-PCIe-LAN and W-PCI-LAN.

A spacious 1000 GB solid state disk (SSD) is built in as mass data storage device. This configuration enables our LAN decoder systems to record wideband signals as well — a must-have functionality in signal intelligence (SIGINT). Detail specification see brochures W-PCIe-LAN and W-PCI-LAN.
Pending orders will be delivered with this data storage extension without surcharge. No price change in all valid offers.
Already delivered Wavecom LAN decoder systems can be upgraded with this storage extension. Please write to sales@wavecom.ch to get a quotation.

01-July-2014 — Clear Identity, Complete System and Easy to Handle — New Decoder Release V8.5.1

We have redefined our hardware decoder product line.

With the launch of W74PC V8.5.1, W-PCIe and W-PCI run under their own logos as well. While the new release has the same decoder functions as W-CODE, W74PC, W-PCIe and W-PCI and their LAN product series have an in-card license key.
The CodeMeter license dongle is no longer necessary for our hardware decoder product.

05-May-2014 —New Decoder System W74PC

We have launched a new decoder system in hardware and software — W74PC.

W74PC offers four completely independent digital down converter (DDC) inputs at IF and AF level, ideally suited for connection to narrowband and broadband receivers and wideband down converters. W74PC has an in-card license and delivers a modern complete solution in classification, decoding and monitoring with various interfaces in hardware and software.
No external USB license dongle is necessary anymore.

03-March-2014 — New Release W-PCI, W-PCIe and W-CODE V8.5.0, on Windows 8.1 as well

New Features and Significant Improvements

  • From V8.5.0 on our decoders W-PCI, W-PCIe and W-CODE run on Windows 8.1, 7, XP and Windows Server 2008, all 32-bit and 64-bit.
  • New modes: THROB and THROBX.
  • New mode: MIL-188-110A-MOD. This mode decodes a modified version of MIL-188-110A (Serial Tone) in HF transmission.
  • Significant extension DMR: it decodes both slots simultaneously in two separate windows.
  • Bit transparent output for dPMR.
  • XML Test GUI released in XML SDK for user to run W-CODE without Wavecom GUI.

03-Feburary-2014 — W-CODE XML TestGUI in Source Code

We publish a comprehensive code example in C++ to show how to control our decoders W-CODE, W-PCI, W-PCIe and W61PC via the XML RCI interface. This code example covers the most XML commands and can give users an idea how to write their own applications to use our decoders without Wavecom decoder GUI.

Please download the code at Software Download.

21-January-2014 — Significantly Enhanced DMR in W-CODE V8.5.0

We have enhanced the DMR (Direct Mobile Radio) decoder significantly. It will be released in W-CODE V8.5.0 end February 2014.
DMR catches wide interest in the recent years and is mainly used by public institutions, such as police, transportation etc.
With this enhancement both slots can be decoded simultaneously in two separate windows.

06-Januar-2014 — New Generation W-Classifier-NB

With W-CODE V8.4.00 we launched a new generation of narrowband classifier W-Classifier-NB.
The main new features are

  • CIS-12 is classified as one signal instead of 12 separate OFDM channels.
  • MIL and STANAG signal family is classified to its transmission protocol.
  • Significant improvement in classification result.

See brochure W-Classifier.

2013 — 2012

25-November-2013 — New Release W-PCI, W-PCIe and W-CODE V8.4.00

New Features and Significant Improvement

  • Record signals on Wavecom hardware input devices (W-PCI, W-PCIe and W-CLOUD).
  • MIL-188-110A mode works in an on-going way: it can synchronise when it misses the preamble.
  • Dedicated phase plane for MIL/STANAG modes.
  • Bit transparent output for DMR.
  • New generation narrowband classifier.
  • XML Remote Control Interface (RCI) extension.

W-CLOUD Server V2.0.01

  • W-CLOUD server can be started as user instead of administrator.

See Software Update.

01-October-2013 — New Release W-Sat-email-Decoder V2.2.00

New Decoders:

  • Dualog
  • se@COMM (partial)
  • UUCP
  • UUPlus
  • Xdatos (partial)
  • ZModem

New Feature:

  • 64-Bit release

23-September-2013 — PxGF Player and PxGF Streamer in C++ Source Code

We publish the C++ source code of two programs of streaming IQ data in PxGF format: one converts a .wav file and streams it in PxGF format; the other streams the PxGF recording directly. Both programs help the user to understand the W-CODE digital interface and to write his own program to convert IQ recordings in other formats into PxGF format. (http://www.wavecom.ch/software-download.php)

06-August-2013 — New Product Wavecom Virtual Audio Cable (W-VAC)

New Product Wavecom Virtual Audio Cable (W-VAC)

  • Wavecom Virtual Audio Cable (W-VAC) is a digital audio device which allows to transfer audio or IQ signal between applications.
  • W-VAC does not have artificial noise mechanism to disallow 3rd-party applications from using it. Any software capable of accessing a sound device can write-in and/or read-out samples from W-VAC.
  • The transfer is lossless, there is no conversion or compression. Works on Windows XP, Vista, 7, Server 2008, under 32- and 64-bit systems.

03-June-2013 — New Release W-CODE, W-CLOUD, W-PCI, W-PCIe V8.3.00

There are following features in this new release:

  • W-CLOUD supports VSC (Virtual Sound Card) as a digital input device as well
  • GW-OFDM revised and improved
  • FFT and Sonagram improved with more dynamic range and higher resolution

01-January-2013 — New Decoder Product W-CLOUD (Networked Decoding) in W-CODE Release V8.2.00

New Decoder Product W-CLOUD

  • W-CLOUD (Networked Decoding) is a TCP/IP application which enables uninterrupted and encrypted transfer of genuine I/Q data from a remote Wavecom decoder device to a central site located W-CODE for final processing. W-CLOUD enables data decoding, signal classification and monitoring over large geographical distance. It just requires an Internet access.
  • W-CLOUD is an option included in W-CODE Release V8.2.00

New Features in W-CODE V8.2.00

  • New modes: Chinese 4+4
  • Classifier Narrowband (CL-NB) for VHF/UHF and satellite mode groups extend to bandwidth 48 kHz
  • ACARS (VHF/UHF) significantly improved
  • General improvements and bug fixes

30-May-2012 — New Release W-PCIe, W-PCI, W-CODE V8.1.00

New Modes

  • NXDN with demodulated bitstream (symbol) output

New Features

  • STANAG-4285 has a demodulated symbol output for further analyze in W-BitView Tool
  • STANAG-4285 center frequency search extended to +/- 160 Hz and various significant improvement in decoding quality
  • Phase Plane HF for STANAG-4285 (with DPSK demodulator) improved significantly
  • Metadata output extended in W-Sat-email-Decoder V2.1.00
  • New EasySAT System for W-PCIe and W-PCI decoders V1.0.00
  • Various improvements and bug-fixes

30-May-2012 — New Release W-BitView V2.5.00

New Features

  • STANAG-4285 analysis and simulation custom functions
  • Added new functions: Generate Pseudo-Noise, Standard De-puncturing
  • Added new functions: Convolutional Encoder, Code Page Decoder, Most Recently List (MRU)
  • General improvements and bug-fixes

01-Jan-2012 — Official Launch of Products and New Releases W-PCIe, W-PCI, W-CODE V8.0

New Features

  • W-PCI and W-PCIe are fully released and supported by W-CODE.
  • All VHF/UHF SUB and DIR modes are handled in a common way by Classifier Codecheck.
  • Voice classification in VHF/UHF modes is now fully supported.
  • W61PC V7.3 ensures that W61PC, W-PCI and W-PCIe work in a same computer.

2011 — 2010

26-Aug-2011 — W-CODE V7.2, XML-RCI, VHF/UHF Classifier, W-Sat-email-Decoder

New Modes

  • LINK-11

New VHF/UHF Classifier Codecheck for SUB and DIR

Improvements and Modifications

  • Wideband Classifier (W-CL-WB) in W-CODE detects double modulated transmission (SUB mode)
  • Multi-input works for Modem-Full-Duplex mode
  • No license required for W-PACKAGE and W-SAT, i.e., CODAN-9001, CLOVER-2, CLOVER-2000 and PACTOR-III and SAT modes are included in W-CODE and W61PC

15-Apr-2011 — W-CODE V7.1, XML-RCI, Easysatsystem, W-BV

New Modes

  • APCO-25. Project 25 (P25) or APCO-25 is a set of standards for radio communications for public safety, security, public service and commercial applications developed among others by The Association of Public Safety Communications Officials International (APCO)

Improvements and modifications

  • New GUI, Toolbars, Menus etc. changed
  • Stability improved
  • New WAVECOM install tool
  • License Key no longer required for W61PC Professional version (but still requiered for the SAT and Classifier options)
  • W-CODE no longer supports MEDAV PACTOR-3, CLOVER-2000, CLOVER-2 and CODAN-9001.

14-Dec-2010 — W-CODE V7.0, XML-RCI, Easysatsystem

New Modes

  • TETRA. Terrestrial Trunked Radio, is a digital, trunked mobile radio standard developed by ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute. TETRA has found worldwide widespread use in public safety, transportation, military and general land mobile applications.
  • X.25. Reliable data packet switching protocol.
  • dPMR. Digital Private Mobile Radio, is an open ETSI standard and is used by license-free hand portable equipment (TS 102 490 / dPMR466) and professional equipment (TS 102 658, Mode 1 & 2).

Improvements and Modifications

  • New GUI, Toolbars, Menus etc. changed
  • New Wideband classifier (bandwidth 96 kHz)
  • New Configurable "Classifier Code Check" with XML table lookup
  • New Classifier Code Check Table Editor
  • INMARSAT Email Decoder added (extracts emails and attachments from data transmissions)
  • CODAN-9001 extended with "Compressed Data" and "Secure Interactive Packets" decoding.
  • Automatic detection of the "Display Mode" for MIL-STD and STANAG signals
  • EasySatSystem with INMARSAT C support

25-Mar-2010 — XML-RCI V6.8.12

  • Document updated and bugs fixed

3-Mar-2010 — W-CODE V6.8.1

New Modes

  • DMR: New digital, TDMA based mobile radio mode
  • Media Player/Recorder: This tool records signals directly to WAV-files from the host sound card inputs. During playback of WAV files the signal is sent unprocessed to the W-CODE and a monitoring signal is played through the sound card
  • PSK-63, -125: Now independent amateur radio modes implementing the FLARQ emergency messaging protocol
  • PSK-250: New amateur radio modes implementing the FLARQ protocol
  • VDL-M2: New digital, aeronautical data link mode
  • W-PACTOR-III: Initial release of WAVECOM's implementation of PACTOR-III

Improvements and Modifications

  • Installation: The procedure has been greatly improved and simplified, an option to delete all settings before re- or new installation added
  • CHU: Polarity now manually selected
  • CW: New, much improved demodulator will decode speeds up to 90 wpm
  • AIS: New "Inland AIS" interpretations of standard AIS message fields added. Standard AIS, Inland AIS, St. Lawrence Seaway and PAWSS AIS binary message decoding added
  • Baudot: Reworked decoder with improved polarity detection and enhanced performance
  • PACTOR-I, PACTOR-II: ASCII 0x1E (idle) removed from hex output
  • W-CODAN-9001: Output of demodulated multichannel symbols, de-randomization of secure and unsecure modes, user selectable key for de-randomization of secure modes, output of recognized key in secure mode, output of status information, output of recognized frame type, decoding of chat messages into readable output, decoding of text files into readable output, decoding of data into hex output, (CODAN data compression in preparation)
  • W-CLOVER-2, -2000: "CRC recognition" changed to "Display Mode" for selection of error-free frames or all frames. Option for user defined table of CRC added
  • MIL-141A, CODAN-9001: Improved performance for Golay (24, 12) decoder
  • MIL-39T: Display formats"ASCII and "ITA-5" merged
  • CIS-36-50, CIS-50-50: More fault-tolerant start and stop criteria, automatic default to Letter Shift after idle or a longer sequence of invalid data, synchronization to valid 3:4 characters without need for preamble
  • DTMF: Character set changed ("*" and "#" replaces"E" and "F")
  • COQUELET-8, -13, -80: Bar graph range corrected
  • STANAG, MIL modes: ITA-2 "U" character now printed
  • Classifier-CodeCheck: Refresh of FFT display implemented when starting a new classification.
  • State display of Robust-Packet changed (Data Rate, Modulation, Packet Length).
  • Standard shift of CIS-36 changed to 1320 Hz.
  • TCP/IP streaming format "PXGF" added
  • Single cursors for PSK modes
  • New dat file for HF-ACARS