Wideband Spectrum Display and Media Player/Recorder

In the Operation tab there are two spectrum displays where the user can view signals in a wide spectrum range and in more detail, respectively.

The wideband spectrum display has a bandwidth of 2 MHz. This display usually corresponds to the wideband spectrum of an SDR, like the DDC1 in WiNRADiO G3xDDC. The spectrum middle is the receiver frequency (Rx Freq). The user can change the Rx Freq by clicking the mouse at another position in the spectrum.


Wideband spectrum display and media player/recorder.


Below the spectrum display there is a media player/recorder, where the user can make an IQ recording of the 2 MHz wide spectrum. The recording format is PXGF, it allows a simultaneous recording of important side information such as

Ø receiver frequency (Rx Freq)

Ø recording bandwidth and

Ø timestamp.

The recording of the side information is on-the-fly, i.e., the value can change during the recording. This allows a full recovery of information when a recording is played back and investigated in detail afterwards. During playback the receiver frequency and timestamp in the recording is displayed in “Rx Freq” and “Date & Time” fields, respectively. The user can select a 96 kHz stripe to pick an interesting signal, display this stripe in the narrowband spectrum display. In the narrowband spectrum display the user can move the tuning cursor to select a signal at certain frequency to a classifier or a decoder for detail analysis. At the same time the selected signal will be acoustic demodulated (by the demodulator and its bandwidth) and output to the speaker. During playback the user can drag the progress button to any position of the recording.

Note: Only make (wideband) recordings on a built-in storage medium (e.g., built-in harddisk or SSD). Don’t use external USB harddisk, nor over the network, because the max. speed of external devices may be insufficient for the wideband recording and this may cause loss of data.